Friday, January 27, 2012

Cooking up a storm for Chinese New Year Reunion 2012 !

Bob had brought me to the market on Sat morning 22 Jan 2011 to collect the Choo Chiang Food Stall's famous Roast Pork & Char Siew, each 0.5kg. Then I had to buy the braised duck from my favourite duck stall at the Chong Pang market.

After gettting my final purchase, it's heading off for home to prepare for Sunday's reunion dinner.
Thought it better to use Ziplog bags to bag & marinate the meats so I had Bob drop me off at Giant's Supermarket to buy some medium & large size Ziplog bags.

Spent the whole day of Sunday 23 Jan 2011 preparing the Reunion Dinner at my kitchen. Thawed the fish, chicken, scallop, prawns in their original bags, immersed in a basin of tap water.

Marinated the chicken using : Hong Cao Lu 红糙露, sesame seed oil, Shao Xing Hua Diao Jiu (Shao Xing Rice Wine )  绍兴花雕酒, a fresh egg, a tablespoon of Marmite, placed the chicken pieces into a Ziplog bag & into the fridge it goes.

For the Scallops : I use just the  Hong Chau Lu 红糙露,  Shao Xing Hua Diao Jiu (Shao Xing Rice Wine )  绍兴花雕酒.

For the prawns : I use Hong Chau Lu 红糙露, Shao Xing Hua Diao Jiu (Shao Xing Rice Wine )  绍兴花雕酒.

For the fish : I use Hong Chau Lu 红糙露, Shao Xing Hua Diao Jiu   绍兴花雕酒.

Meanwhile about an hour before we set off for my MIL's home, I steam the braised duck on low fire for 1 hour so that the meat will turn out tender & succulent.

Feast your eyes on my Reunion Dinner Spread :

It is a must for all Chinese families to have fish every REunion Dinner table as fish signifies abundance every year 年年有鱼 (余) 

Steam Garoupa with leek, onion, carrots, garlic, fresh ginger 

Source :

Usually Prawns are served as they signify a year of laughter & cheer 嘿哈 (虾) 大笑 

Stir fry prawns with leek shoots
Source :

Leeks 笋 are also served as their pronounciation in Chinese  means : << year running smoothly =  顺顺利利>>, and also leek  in Chinese dialect is pronounced  similiar to 算 meaning there would be a lot of money to count 算.

Stir fry fresh scallops with leeks, onions & carrots  
Source :
Marmite Chicken 
Source :

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